
Saturday 21 April 2018


Early one morning my mother was selling tickets for
my older brother Tyson he is 20 years old and he has
been playing touch for 12 years. so we are fundraising
for him to go over to Australia "Brisbane" to play for
the final touch sere money and he was so "HAPPY" .

On Saturday the 21st of April most of my family
were at my uncles whare for the raffle.
my family was so rapped to see if they were going
to win and my father and mother won five tickets
and they were so happy.

My mother and i were cooking salads
and the rest of my family had to bring
a plate to eat and they did.
me and my mother were staying up north and my
older brother were talking to his friends and syaing
good luck with the fundraising "Tyson".

On the 22nd of April we sold all of the tickets and thanks
to all of my family for supporting my older brothers
fundraiser. My older brother was so happy to see
all of his family that had come over from
down the line and from up north thanks to all
of my family that supported for him.

"Thank You "
                                                        "THE END"